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strength and dexterity…If
you possess these qualities you may want to try out angling in Malaysia's
bountiful ocean, lakes, and rivers. Imagine this, your overworked arms
are aching so much that they actually feel numb and perspiration is constantly
dripping from your brow despite the ever cooling breeze. In fact, you've
been battling this fish for 3 hours and it is isn't going to be "the one
that got away". That is what you think. The fish, on the other hand, has
other thoughts, most likely being, "I'm not going to be your dinner!".
This isn't a scene from a Hemmingway novel. This is you fighting a Black
Marlin off the coast of Sabah.
the deep sea sports fisherman, Malaysia's waters are stocked with game
fish that'll provide grand competition. In the coastal water off Terengganu,
Johor, Sabah,
and Sarawak
you can drop a line and wait for the strike! It could be a Sharp-Toothed
Bass, Silver Jewfish, or the prized Black Marlin. For the fresh water
angler, try the lakes and rivers and maybe snare a Giant Snakehead or
Malaysian Mahsa. A different challenge, but equally as rewarding. Then
there is "candat" fishing. Learn from the local East Coast fishermen the
art of catching cuttlefish using lights and multiple lines with hooks.
Truly a distinct mode of fishing.
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