Sala Hinboun
Address :
Don Khong, Laos
Don Khong, Laos

Sala Hinboun Overview
Sala Hin Boun Hotel Pakse is one of the 2 star hotels that provides a comfort stay for every traveler. Room facility at Sala Hin Boun is essential for leisure rest. Sala Hin Boun hotel staffs are eager to service you during your stay at the hotel. Tourists visit Laos for its unique charms and popular attractions. Known as one of the popular tourist attractions of Laos, Pakse permits voyagers to take pleasure in its famous venues and local food market. Staying at Sala Hin Boun can give you a comfort for your Pakse holidays. Hotel Sala Hin Boun owns comfortable 12 guest rooms with well-appointed standard in-room facility.

Important Notes of Sala Hinboun:
- Check - In Time : 14.00 p.m
- Check - Out Time : 12.00 p.m
- The images shown are for guidance purposes only. You may stay in a room which is different from the examples shown.