Baumanburi Hotel
Address :
239/1 Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi Rd., Patong Beach, Kathu Phuket 83150, Thailand
239/1 Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi Rd., Patong Beach, Kathu Phuket 83150, Thailand

Baumanburi Hotel Overview
Baumanburi is located in the middle of Patong Beach just 3 minutes walk to the white sandy beach and few step to Patong shopping and nightlife entertainment center.
Baumanburi Hotel offers a restful stay for everyone. Room amenities at Baumanburi hotel will satisfy travelers' needs. Hotel Baumanburi is known as a 4 star hotel superior hotel in Phuket. Guests can take pleasure in classy decorated guestrooms. Travelers can enjoy a good quality time at Baumanburi hotel during their holidays in Thailand. The country is famed for its famous attractions and local food. Holidaymakers may enjoy delectable cuisine of Thailand. During your stay, you will be impressed with hotel staffs at Baumanburi for their good-nature and politenss.
Baumanburi Hotel offers a restful stay for everyone. Room amenities at Baumanburi hotel will satisfy travelers' needs. Hotel Baumanburi is known as a 4 star hotel superior hotel in Phuket. Guests can take pleasure in classy decorated guestrooms. Travelers can enjoy a good quality time at Baumanburi hotel during their holidays in Thailand. The country is famed for its famous attractions and local food. Holidaymakers may enjoy delectable cuisine of Thailand. During your stay, you will be impressed with hotel staffs at Baumanburi for their good-nature and politenss.

Important Notes of Baumanburi Hotel:
- Check - In Time : 14.00 p.m
- Check - Out Time : 12.00 p.m
- The images shown are for guidance purposes only. You may stay in a room which is different from the examples shown.