Taha D'Mutiara
Address :
Lot 5789 & 5790 Jln Relau 11900 Bayan Lepas
Lot 5789 & 5790 Jln Relau 11900 Bayan Lepas

Taha D'Mutiara Overview
TaHa D' Mutiara should be the choice if you or your organization have any activities planned. Environment and away from the hustle and bustle of city life, according to meet the activities in the form of seminars, motivational camps, training, opening ceremony, weddings, meetings, banquets, and others, including accommodation in 135 rooms, peaceful and comfortable.

Important Notes of Taha D'Mutiara:
- Check - In Time : 14.00 p.m
- Check - Out Time : 12.00 p.m
- The images shown are for guidance purposes only. You may stay in a room which is different from the examples shown.
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